The Update
I am physically okay, mentally fine and emotionally dead. The mono took much more of a toll on me than I thought it could, and I now find myself without sickness, but without much else either. I haven't hooked up with anyone (on a sexual OR friend level) in a month because... well, that's brings us to
The Excuse
Most people who have very serious cases of mono lose their appetite and consequently lose a lot, almost a dangerous amount of weight. I did not. In fact, I gained weight. Almost 20 pounds in a month. Consequently, I have a very poor self-image right now. On top of that, the exhaustion really killed my libido and I just haven't had the energy or willpower to do pretty much anything useful aside from going to work, doing my job (still excellently, I might add- I guess all that sexual energy needed to go somewhere!) and cleaning (and re-cleaning) the house. So in true form to this blog, right now I'm very much feeling Not Very Sexy.
The Apology
Sorry for not updating with what was going on, but as you can imagine, anything related to sex and how fun it was for a while there got me a little more depressed so I shunned this blog like it was my job. But I am feeling better for myself now, I have joined a gym and pretty soon I will be back to my old self, physically and -- more importantly -- emotionally.
But enough about me. If you read this, I'm asking you to please regale me with the details of your last sexploit.
Oh, and Maxx, my excuse was being sick. What's yours? I, and others, are waiting for your next update with bated breath! Not to mention raging hard-ons.
As a closing note, I'm willing to bet that anyone reading this blog (which I'm assuming is still in low numbers... I have much work to do!) already knows of a very, very hot blog from a Torontonian over at BONED n' STONED. Very hot indeed. I urge you all to check it out!
Hope you all had excellent holidays, and here's to a rip-roaring new year.